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Looking For Part-Time Care Options? – Here’s a guide to help you choose the best fit

Require a replacement for your usual Caregiver?

  • Household Service Scheme (HSS) is a pilot programme under Ministry of Manpower, which allows Active Global to hire and train qualified foreign workers who will provide basic care for the Elderly.
  • HSS for the Elderly is ideal for families who:
    - Need a temporary replacement for their usual caregiver,

    - Need regular support when their usual caregiver is on leave.

  • As this programme is not under subsidy, it offers a lot of flexibility to families who urgently need a care solution for their loved ones.

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Require subsidised care on a fixed schedule every week?

  • Subsidised Home Personal Care (HPC) is offered by a professional local caregiver who helps the elderly client with Activities of Daily Living, including personal hygiene, showering, assisting with medications, elder sitting, simple exercises, assisting with basic housechores, etc.
  • *Subsidy level is subject to Means Testing. A free-of-charge assessment will be conducted by our nurse to confirm eligibility before starting the service.
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Need help for more hours throughout the week?

  • A Live-in Caregiver will be a more cost-effective option in this scenario and will work out cheaper than paying by the hour for part-time care, especially if the care needs are going to last for more than 1 month.
  • Full-time professional caregivers are available from $600/month (Additional 1-time agency fee and insurance fee applicable)
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Are your care needs short-term or on ad-hoc basis?

  • Private Nursing services are offered by local registered nurses for elderly who require part-time or full-time care after hospital discharge, until an alternate care arrangement is made. They can also support patients who need regular part-time nursing care on a long-term basis
  • Our Private Nurses are also able to support during day off or vacation of the usual Caregiver.
  • Cost of the service is based on the customized requirements of clients and the complexity of care needs.
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