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Subsidised Home Care

  • Active Global is accredited by the Ministry of Health to provide Subsidised Home Care services island-wide.
  • All Subsidised Home Care services require means-testing. Active Global can assist with the means testing if necessary.
  • If a medical social worker is helping you to raise the referral for Subsidised Home Care, do not hesitate to tell them that you would prefer Active Global to be your provider.

Home Personal Care

Get support with Activities of Daily Living on regular basis

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Home Nursing

Specific nursing procedure(s) for home-bound elderly.

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Home Medical

Long-term medical care to home-bound elderly.

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Home Therapy

Home-based rehabilitation/exercise training to support frail and home-bound elderly.

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Interim Caregiver Service

For hospitalised patients who are medically fit for discharge but require ongoing care at their homes.

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Senior Care Centres

Two new Senior Care Centres unlike anything you've seen before...

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call 24/7 +65 6536 0086

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 Full Brochure Home Care  Senior Care Centres